State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


Appointment of CEO of Société Seychelloise d'Investissements (SSI)

President James Michel has appointed former Minister Jacquelin Dugasse as the Chief Executive Officer of the Société Seychelloise d'Investissements, the SSI.

The SSI, which was established in 2008, holds shares on behalf of Government in commercial enterprises which are either wholly or partly owned by Government.It advises the enterprises on strategic development, and serves as an investment vehicle for Government.

Mr Dugasse is the first full-time Chief Executive Officer to appointed in the SSI, which has a board of six Directors appointed by the President, and which is presently chaired by Ms Veronique Laporte.

The appointment of Mr Dugasse comes at a time when the role of the SSI is expected to grow, in line with Government's increased drive for public-private partnership initiatives in national development.